Monday, October 11, 2010

cooker lotus leaf chicken yam steamed rice 芋头鸡饭锅荷叶蒸饭

Above slideshow demonstrates the cooking process
chicken 1/2 piece
yam (round shape Thailand yam better as soft after cooked) 1/2 piece
lotus leaf 2-4 pieces
capsicums traffic light 1 piece each
cauliflower 1/2 piece
red dates a few pieces
black fungus 2 pieces
mushroom 3-4 pieces
chinese wofberries 1 small bowl
ginger 2 slices
butter 10-100g ( less for less oily, more for better fragance)
star anises few pieces
cinammon stick 1
water 2-4 bowls
dark soy sauce 2 table spoon
light soy sauce 3-4 table spoon

  1. In a wok, add buter
  2. fry garlic
  3. add rice and fry
  4. remove fragance rice from wok
  5. add rice bran cooking oil
  6. fry garlic
  7. add and fry with ginger, cinnamon sticks and star anises
  8. add and fry with mushroom (soaked soft)
  9. add and fry with black fungus (soaked soft)
  10. add and fry with chicken
  11. add and fry with red dates
  12. add and fry with chinese wolfberries
  13. add water
  14. add and fry with yam (steamed soft)
  15. add dark soy sauce
  16. add light soy sauce
  17. remove chicken yam from wok
  18. place fragance rice into rice cooker
  19. add 80% done fried chicken yam
  20. add capsicums & cauliflower
  21. mix & stir
  22. to cook
  23. cooker chicken yam rice is ready
  24. option 2: place on lotus leaf instead of rice cooker
  25. wrap and fix with tooth picks
  26. to steam for 30-45 minutes
  27. lotus leaf chicken yam steamed rice is ready
  • capsicums & caulilower can be stir fried on wok instead of cooking with the chicken yam rice in the cooker to maintain nutrition and colour, just place on top of the chicken yam rice after it is cooked
  • star anises & cinammon is not a must ingredients, its purpose is to add special fragance to the chicken. Liking to the unic fragance is individual.
The biggest challenge of this dish is to maintain the softness and moisture of the rice as well as tenderness of chicken meat cooked. Thus, control the water level in the cooker is crucial as chicken yam added comes with sauce.


成份: -
1 / 2
(圆形泰国芋头易熟软)1 / 2 
菜花1 / 2 
牛油10 - 100克(增添饭香
桂皮1 条 
  • 椒及菜花可以入锅轻炒,才放芋头鸡饭上,而不是与鸡饭一起烹饪,以维持营养和颜色。
  • 五角 1 桂皮不是必须的材料,其目的是为了添加特殊香味是很个人的。

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