Jumbo Sale 珍宝销售

Why Jumbo Sale? 為什麼珍宝销售?
I believe moms in this new century are wise, talented and all rounded by nature and made perfect in the motherhood hardship.
Talented and creative moms who are good in handcraft are everywhere around us.
Besides, moms are wise and smart in saving, careful with dollar and cents for the sake of family especially the future of the kids (e.g. kids’ education fund, family health plan etc)
Here, we would like to render a platform to gather talent, innovation, smart saving and sharing of experience as well as for networking. We would also like to call for role playing in recycling used goods, reduce waste and save the world.

我相信媽媽在這個新世紀是聰明、 有天賦和完美的,出自于我們作為一個媽媽的本性和经历过做为一个母亲的历验而变完善。
現今媽媽是智慧精明并存。我們家庭未來由其是我們的孩子,小心精算钱财 (例如孩子的教育基金,家庭健康計畫等)
所以,我們此提供一個平臺于才 創造、 精明预算 经验分享和網络联谊。更为响应费物利用保护地球尽一份力

What are the products for Jumbo Sale? 什么产品?
If you have a piece of handmade craft  and sewing (e.g. handmade quilt, toilet roll holder, apron etc) or no longer use kids stuffs due to kids grown older  (e.g. toys,stroller,walker, books, clothes, shoes etc) and any other baby, household, electrical products, furniture, antique, bag and more for you to name it!
您的手工制作与裁缝(如被单,厕纸袋,围裙等)或因孩子长大而没用的婴孩物品(如玩具,推车,书本,衣服,鞋子等)与其它婴孩,家庭,电器产品,家具,古董,提袋 等等您可例出的产品!

How we work这么操作?
1)     You are required to fill up Jumbo Sale Registration Form (free) 登记珍宝销售
2)     Provide details of products in the form for example as below提供资料:-
·         Types of Product 产品种类
·         product description 产品描述
·         product size 产品尺寸
·         product weight产品重量
·         product color产品颜色
·         Product age 产品年龄
·         Product Source产品来原 *
·         Product "value-add" i.e why is your product so special? 产品特点
3)     Enclose product file, picture, video etc (we would strongly suggest you upload them in a website e.g. photobucket/youtube etc if the file is big) and provide us the detail of the link载产品文件照片录影等(建意运用网站载照片录影,然后告知联接网址
4)     When we receive you registration form via email, we will publish it on our webpage们只是提供产品展示坪
5)     Each product published on our webpage is assigned with a code产品展示将拥有号码
6)     Willing buyer to fill up Jumbo Sale Interested Registration Form(free) 登记有意珍宝销售表格
7)     Willing buyer to provide the product code of product interested to trade in Jumbo Sale Interested Registration Form有买家需填写产品号码于表格
8)     When there is matching willing buyer and seller, we will inform both parties via email们电邮通知有意交易买卖家

Terms & Conditions条例规则:-
1)      Product for trade must be in good & workable condition这产品品质是在可以操作状态
2)      This is a "barter trade" Jumbo Sale i.e.goods exchange with goods, no physical/real $$ involved? 这是换物交易,没有牵涉金钱
3)      We are solely and specifically act as a platform to publish your product in our blog's webpage and inform you via email if there is matching willing buyer and seller, that is the end, subsequent dealing is rest in you们只是提供产品展示坪台和电邮通知有意交易买卖家,谨止完毕。之后交易是您的责任
4)      Disclosure of email is as per specified in the registration form依您的珍宝销售登记许可透露您的电邮

Disclaimer of liabilities我们的责任债务法律保留:-
we are solely and specifically act as a platform to publish your product in our blog's webpage and inform you via email if there is matching willing buyer and seller, that is the end, subsequent dealing is rest in you们只是提供产品展示坪台和电邮通知有意交易买卖家,谨止完毕。之后交易是您的责任 

1)    fill up Jumbo Sale Registration Form (free) 登记珍宝销售

2)      fill up Jumbo Sale Interested Registration Form(free) 登记有意珍宝销售表格